OWN Empower Yourself

How to handle put-downs and insults without losing your cool.
Does your office feel like a junior high cafeteria? Jennifer Romolini, the author of Weird in a World That's Not, guides us through the minefield and shares the best way to deal with catty coworkers.
Intuitive empaths "actually feel others' emotions, energy, and physical symptoms...without the usual defenses that most people have," writes the author of The Empath's Survival Guide. Here's an introduction to the different types.
...and why we shouldn't anymore.

and how it totally changed me for the better.
The inspiring real-life stories that changed the way we think—and read.
Keep your eyes open, your senses sharp and you might just get the message you've been waiting for.
Brandon Holley, fashion magazine veteran and CEO of Everywear, knows how to make the most of what you have and which must-haves you might want to get.
Nely Galán, the author of Self Made, reveals a new way to turn your career -- and sense of possibility—around.
Looking to make changes? We sifted through this year's new releases, eliminated anything superficial or silly and discovered a few practical, illuminating techniques.