OWN Live Happier

We all know we have busy minds, but the author of On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine helps you identify the specific and unexpected ways your thoughts distract you from the momentā€”and from your own sense of well-being.
Keep your eyes open, your senses sharp and you might just get the message you've been waiting for.
Practically instant noodle soup, a twist on quiche and more breakfasts and lunches you can pack and take with you.
Home stagers reveal their tricks on how to highlight a home's strong points -- and distract from its weaknesses -- to make it a more inviting, functional place to live in.
The author of Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives shares her wit, wisdom and research on how to feel happier, even when we've hit a low patch.
It may seem silly to record the minutiae of your life, but to Sarah Manguso, that's what matters most.
The Buddhist teacher and author of Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better has advice on how to cope when you can't stop thinking something is wrong with you.