Party leaders of the United States Senate

Sen. Chuck Schumer called inaction by Congress a “disgrace” and pledged to keep pushing for votes.
The Senate Minority Leader said during a visit to a detention center last week conditions were "awful," "inhumane" and "heartbreaking."
Amy McGrath is running as a Democrat to oust Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in the 2020 election.
"If anyone thinks this doesn’t hurt America in the short term, in the long run, they are sadly mistaken," the Senate Minority Leader told CNN's Anderson Cooper.
The Senate Minority Leader mockingly tweeted it was “an historic night.”
H.R. 1 passed the House in March. But Majority Leader McConnell refuses to allow a Senate vote on it.
Laurence Tribe used a blistering tweet to accuse the Republican Senate majority leader of hypocrisy over his plans to fill any Supreme Court vacancy next year.
The Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer criticized President Donald Trump for not pressing Vladimir Putin on Russian interference in U.S. elections.
The Senate minority leader and House speaker desperately tried to keep straight faces as the sought not to gloat.
The Senate minority leader said Trump had “something to hide.”