Peter Strzok

Former FBI lawyer finally hits back in a scathing interview against Trump's relentless attacks on Page and booted FBI agent Strzok.
The former FBI agent's complaint alleges the bureau caved to pressure from Trump when it fired him over derogatory messages about the president.
Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, echoing Trump, claimed the probe's genesis "sounds an awful lot like a coup."
The president sees "bad apples" scheming an "overthrow." But don't worry, he told the NRA convention: "I didn't need a gun for that one."
The inspector general of the president's own Justice Department concluded the texts were missing due to technological glitches; 20,000 were recovered.
Justice Department's Office of Inspector General said missing — then recovered — texts from fired agent Peter Strzok were due to technical problems.
The GoFundMe campaign slams "highly politicized" attacks from the president.
The president wrote about "bad players in the FBI & DOJ" in his tweets about the dismissal.
President Donald Trump has taken aim at the now-former FBI official as part of his crusade against the Mueller probe.
"What a collection of clowns," the host said while showing highlights of Republicans grilling FBI Agent Peter Strzok.