
A volcanic eruption in Spain, a skier taking a tumble and Macaque monkeys climbing on a photographer are featured in some of this week's most memorable images.
A partial lunar eclipse, flooding in Canada and migrants at the Belarus-Poland border are featured in some of this week's most memorable images.
A volcano eruption in Spain, Veteran's Day in the U.S. and conflict in Yemen are featured in some of this week's most memorable images.
A volcano eruption in Spain, flooding in Indonesia and a horse race in Ireland are featured in some of this week's most memorable images.
A fuel shortage in Haiti, flooding in California and glacier preservation in Switzerland are featured in some of this week's most memorable images.
A shaving cream fight in Scotland, a ski competition in Austria and protests in Chile are featured in some of this week's most memorable images.
Firefighter drills in France, conflict in Lebanon and fall foliage in Maine are some of this week's most memorable images.
A volcanic eruption, wildfires in California and migrants seeking U.S. asylum make up some of this week's most memorable images.
A tribute to 9/11 victims, protests in Thailand and migrants seeking U.S. asylum make up some of this week's most memorable images.
Jennifer Lopez, Lil Nas X, Billie Eilish, Rihanna, and many, many more showed up on the red carpet for this year's biggest night in fashion.