Pope Francis

The EGOT winner recently fulfilled her decadelong quest to meet one world-renowned figure — and even handed him a copy of the "Sister Act" soundtrack.
"Please. Countries at war, all of them, stop the war. Look to negotiate. Look for peace," the pope said in an interview with CBS News.
In a document called "Infinite Dignity," the Vatican also repeated its rejection of "gender theory."
Pope Francis made a last-minute decision to skip his participation in the Good Friday procession as a health precaution.
Belgian bishop Roger Vangheluwe admitted 14 years ago that he sexually abused his nephew but faced no Vatican punishment.
The pontiff included the “commercialization” of pregnancy in an annual speech listing threats to global peace and human dignity.
Pope Francis in a Christmas Eve homily said that “the clash of arms even today” prevents Jesus “from finding room in the world.".
The Vatican holds that marriage is an indissoluble union between man and woman. As a result, it has long opposed same-sex marriage.
The Vatican's very first criminal case revolved around a former Harrod’s warehouse being converted into luxury apartments.
"The place is already prepared," the pontiff said of his burial site.