Prayer and Meditation

Colin Jost couldn't believe Trump attacked Romney at a National Prayer Breakfast for citing his religion for his impeachment trial decision.
Jimmy Kimmel's montage shows how Trump's speeches differ from those given by his predecessor.
The president wrestled with one of Jesus' key commandments ― to love your enemies ― at an event traditionally used to promote unity.
Ignoring other speakers' calls to "love your enemies,” Trump lashed out at Democrats and Sen. Mitt Romney at an annual prayer event.
"I’m just a mom, standing in the shower, praying her toddler doesn’t find her."
The White House announced it is strengthening protections for prayer in public schools and protecting the flow of federal funds to religious organizations.
People responded with prayers -- but probably not ones the president would have hoped.
And "mayest all quid pro quos be thine," scoffed Kellyanne Conway's husband in response to a prayer circle in the White House.
Progressive Christians across the country are asking Congress to shed the "light of truth" on Trump.
Atheists, humanists and other nontheists can be barred from giving opening invocations before the Pennsylvania House, an appeals court has decided.