prescription drugs

Since the fall of Roe, some pharmacies have refused to fill certain prescriptions that are the same as or similar to the drugs used in medication abortion.
Medicare negotiations for lower prescription prices have become the cornerstone of a new domestic policy bill.
The Senate Republican leader voted for a bipartisan semiconductor bill but said he'll oppose it if Democrats try to advance a new version of Build Back Better.
The case for prescription drug reform may be even stronger than it was before.
It's also a test case of how aggressively he's willing to use executive authority.
A last-minute deal on prescription drugs, unresolved issues on climate change, taxes, paid leave and immigration.
Now the question is what exactly the agreement entails — and what it would mean for the American people.
No reforms would be a major setback for Democrats, a big victory for the drug industry — and a loss for millions who need help with their prescription costs.
The Arizona senator says her role model is John McCain, who relished attacking the drug industry.
A deal on prescription drugs may be closer than it seems, although the big question is what would be in it.