pro life

The Iowa senate has approved a law that if approved by the state’s Republican governor, would be the most restrictive in the country.
President Donald Trump is the first sitting president to speak at the Values Voter Summit, an extremely anti-LGBTQ conference hosted by the Family Research Council.
The House cleared an abortion bill as reports emerged that one of its co-sponsors encouraged a termination during a pregnancy scare with his mistress.
“A good pro-lifer understands that family is the cradle of life," the pope said when asked about Trump's DACA decision.
Anti-abortion activist David Daleiden faces felony charges after producing heavily-edited undercover videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of fetal tissue.
If you’re pro-life then you can’t support unrestricted gun rights.
Florida is among many states adopting new abortion laws.
The Catholic Church and some politicians are calling for a total ban on abortion in the country, which already has strict laws around the practice.