public land

The nearly 100-year-old cross was built on public land in Maryland to honor fallen World War I soldiers.
The bill establishes four new national monuments and permanently reauthorizes the popular Land and Water Conservation Fund.
The ambitious climate resolution includes specific language about land preservation and protecting fragile ecosystems.
Desire to protect hunter access appears to have more pull than concerns over trashed parks.
Editorial dings Interior secretary as another "cheerleader" for the president's "boneheaded" energy strategy.
As his agency looks to unload 200 acres in Utah, the interior secretary played host to land-transfer advocates.
The Department of Interior is quietly preparing to offer hundreds of thousands of acres of public land for leasing to energy companies.
Twitter reminds the first lady of her husband's dismal record on public lands.
A dark money group with ties to Mike Pence ran a campaign-style ad praising the interior secretary for a budget proposal to service national parks.
This time the fight's over a new state law that limits the sale of federal lands.