Redistricting (Election)

Our system weights some votes more than others, and these weighted votes almost always work to the Republicans’ advantage.
“It’s drawing a map so people think ‘Why bother voting?'"
“There is a sense that something has gone amiss with American democracy, that there is this effort to rig the rules of the game."
“Americans do not like gerrymandering. They see its mischief, and absent a legal remedy, their sense of powerlessness and discouragement has increased."
The court said lawmakers intentionally discriminated against minorities.
The challengers say the move was a partisan gerrymander in violation of the U.S. Constitution because it intentionally diluted the Republican vote.
“By historical standards, these are extraordinarily large figures, revealing an enormous Republican edge."
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott wants to keep boundaries intact for the 2018 election.
Federal judges have invalidated two of Texas’ 36 congressional districts, setting up a scramble to redraw them ahead of the 2018 elections.