
Cole Galloway designed a harness to help survivors of brain injurie get mobile again.
It's no wonder that European cities like Vienna, Milan and Stockholm are such popular tourist destinations, delighting hundred of thousands of American visitors every year with their medieval-era squares, church spires and cobblestone streets.
A rotavirus vaccine study in which infants received a placebo would never have been permitted in the U.S., and it should not have been permitted in India. The continued conduct of such trials reflects a persistent, troubling disregard for international ethical principles for human subjects research, particularly research involving disadvantaged subjects in the developing world.
Last month a study of siblings found that breastfeeding conferred no health advantages, while a second study declared older paternal age to be associated with psychiatric problems in children. A third study found no link between saturated fats and heart disease. It was a month of unexpected, and sometimes unsettling, science.
The American dream --- the notion of equal opportunity for all, the chance to pull yourself up by your boot straps and make something of yourself --- is gone.
Friendships don't last a lifetime and are determined by circumstances not personal preferences.