Riz Ahmed

Celebrities teamed up with the ACLU for a video titled "My Name Is Mirian."
2017 hit some major diversity milestones in media, politics, and entertainment. Here are a few of the biggest moments.
Ahmed became the first man of Asian descent to win an acting Emmy for his role in "The Night Of."
The actor got real about the War On Terror at Aasif Mandvi's All-Star Deportation Jamboree, which raised money for both the ACLU and IRC. Use the Facebook donate button or visit Crowdrise: http://bit.ly/DeportationJamboree
"Yeah, I did do 'Star Wars,' I bet that made you mad / Too bad they weren't trying to cast Jabba the Hutt's dad." 🎤
“If we fail to represent, we are in danger of losing people to extremism."
The “Rogue One” actor was the standout of the show’s final season premiere.
"So few things seem to bring us all together these days and I feel privileged to feel a part of that.”