rock hudson

HBO's “Rock Hudson: All That Heaven Allowed” presents the late actor as a cultural catalyst who enjoyed a "randy gay sex life" behind the scenes.
The actor achieved international stardom during the 1950s and was dubbed “the most beautiful woman in the world” after the title of one of her movies.
The actor stars as the screen legend in Ryan Murphy's Netflix series, which tweaks history to show LGBTQ artists embracing their truth during cinema's golden age.
She starred in over 39 films, including "Pillow Talk," throughout the '40s, '50s and '60s.
The true love of a cinema icon is opening up about their secret relationship.
We're sure there's a story behind the design.
Actor Rock Hudson's so-called "gay confession" to his wife, a conversation that was recorded more than 50 years ago, has been revealed as part of a secret file release by the family of Detective Fred Otash.