Ronald Reagan

A lifelong Republican, Shultz held three major Cabinet positions in GOP administrations during a lengthy career of public service.
Donald Trump may have left the White House, but the party he hijacked appears to remain under his spell and that of the bizarre cult that worships him.
President-elect Joe Biden is expected to announce the legislation on immigration on his first day in office.
Happy birthday to President-elect Joe Biden, who, in two months, will take the reins of a politically fractured nation.
The former president's son said "we’ve got a bunch of grifters in the White House."
Viewers were reminded of the former president's warmth in the film, which premiered Friday.
These facilities operate under the premise that adolescents must be broken through isolation, harsh rules and punishment in order to be fixed.
Republican National Committee Communications Director Michael Ahrens said that the foundation’s objections “came as a surprise.”
One of Reagan's most famous speeches gets turned against the president.
The MSNBC host contrasted Trump’s words amid the coronavirus pandemic with how past presidents have consoled the nation.