science fiction

These days it's hard to tell reality from make-believe!
Everything from comic books to classic films inspired these bright minds.
The science fiction novelist shares her thoughts on Amazon, Worldcon and the limitations of dystopia.
Octavia Butler, Madeleine L’Engle, Emily St. John Mandel, Karen Russell and more.
Dragons and phantoms and starships, oh my!
"Black Mirror" is sure to give you all the sleepless nights and nervous stomach aches of its TV namesake.
May 11th is a day where fans celebrate a series that forever changed science fiction on TV: “Twilight Zone.”
Perhaps it's callous to love dystopia, to soak up stories where the characters are much worse off than you are, but the fiction shelves of bookstores are littered with these premises. For some reason, we just can't get enough of the world ending. And rebooting, in the most terrifying ways.