sea level rise

The planet’s largest ice sheet is losing more than 240 billion tons of ice every year -- a threefold increase from what it was less than a decade ago.
Mo Brooks rejects notion that global warming is causing sea levels to increase, and says: "What about the White Cliffs of Dover?"
As climate litigation heats up, a judge's climate science tutorial puts the fossil fuel industry in an awkward position with the science deniers it once funded.
"If we fail to limit warming, we’re committing a great many people to a future of flooding and inundation."
Coastal states, counties and cities, including several with Trump properties, are already grappling with the threat of rising ocean levels.
A marketing agency has re-released the series for free to support the upcoming March for Science.
One’s a believer and a doer; the other doesn’t buy it. No matter, the threat will be right outside.
Two new studies reveal just how dynamic — and potentially vulnerable to climate change — it actually is.
In the last decade, extreme weather and wildfires cost the federal government $357 billion.