
Asian Americans are grateful to Tan for writing a novel that gives some visibility to a concealed minority group. Her novel gives a voice to young people who struggle to articulate the relational dynamics that they experience as they grow up with immigrant parents.
What does it matter what Mark Driscoll wrote some 13 years ago, especially considering he has since stepped down (at least temporarily) from his role at the helm of Mars Hill? It matters because the information is only coming to light now that the church seems to have nothing left to lose and only something to gain by distancing itself further from Driscoll.
If Steinbeck's woman character is purely a victim, why is she so hated? And if she is truly harmless, why is she so threatening? Without question, it was a commentary on the social climate at the time, which still surprisingly applies today.
Naked, I stood at the closet doors with the lights on and made myself ready. I took a deep breath and positioned the mirrors so I could see all of me. I consciously worked to remove my self-believed inner image. I opened my eyes and looked very carefully at my body. And my heart lurched at the truth.
Listener bias results in most people thinking that women are hogging the floor when men are actually dominating.
According to a new study men and women have very different regrets when it comes to their sexual past. What are the differences and why do men and women have such different attitudes towards sex? We talk with a man who was fired for his sexual history.