Sexual Assault

A high school English teacher in Pennsylvania faced several years behind bars for reportedly “performing a sex act on an 18-year-old student in her classroom.”
The former Alabama high school teacher who was convicted of having sex with a 14-year-old student is stunning the public.
A Missouri teen who’s been at the center of a rape case has landed in a Kansas City hospital after she reportedly attempted to commit suicide.
Unless there is physical danger, staying in the relationship while you explore and heal your end of the relationship system will serve you well. Once you have healed your end of your relationship system, it will become very clear to you whether or not your relationship has a chance of becoming loving and caring, or whether it is time to move on.
A cheerleading coach and gym teacher at a Pennsylvania high school is accused of having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old student.
What the Gorgas represent is a backlash to consent that's become shockingly trendy.