
Regulators said the tech giants colluded to box out competitors by favoring sales of Apple products directly from the online retail giant.
Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn alleges former Spanish King Juan Carlos orchestrated threats and surveillance against her from 2012.
Polls have consistently put the center-right Popular Party in first place, but likely needing support from the far-right Vox party to form a government.
Ivana Andres apologized to the Maori people of New Zealand over a video showing four members of the Spain squad mocking the traditional haka.
A high-pressure anticyclone dubbed Cerberus, the multi-headed dog that guards the gates to the underworld in Greek mythology, is to blame.
Prior to Sunday’s debacle, Pedro Sánchez had insisted he'd ride out his four-year term with leftist government coalition partner United We Can.
The arrests come after an outpouring of support for the Real Madrid player after he said he was abused in Valencia.
The Real Madrid player has received racist abuse on multiple occasions since moving from Brazil five years ago, the latest during his team’s weekend loss to Valencia.
Organizers of the Carrera de la Mujer in Madrid, Spain, said it hadn’t considered the prize would have sexist implications.
The Spanish queen's headwear drew plenty of comparisons on Twitter.