stephen moore

“I think we should pay attention to that, because I think that has very negative consequences for the economy and for society,” he said.
"They were humor columns, but some of them weren't funny and so I am apologetic," the president's Federal Reserve Board pick said.
Stephen Moore also once noted that income inequality is a problem — and the solution is more billionaires.
Stephen Moore taunted his ex-wife while cheating on her and has made countless sexist remarks. He thinks it's "character assassination" to bring that up.
“Women are sooo malleable!” the president's pick for the Fed once wrote. “No wonder there’s a gender gap.”
Why would the president choose such terrible appointees? Trump wants people who “will do exactly what he tells them to do,” Oliver said.
The former campaign adviser has few credentials for the Federal Reserve board and a long history of being wrong about more than just the economy.
Stephen Moore is a joke in the economics profession.
It's time America "stand up to these bullies and say we’re not gonna let you do this."