Student Activism

The university has spent more than $1 million because an officer pepper sprayed students.
Students say this is just one example of what #BeingBlackAtClemson is like.
A diverse group of survivors are revealing more about their experiences in a new book.
However, the university said it "needs to be honest and forthcoming about its history."
Emma Sulkowicz's art project received international attention, and he insists the school should have done something about it.
Apparently, they carried the "exercising their First Amendment rights" thing too far.
Undocumented immigrants aren't allowed to attend top public colleges in the state.
Students aren't naively demanding that colleges make the world perfect, these leaders say.
The country also has mixed views on the importance of campus diversity efforts.
Margaret Spellings, a former Bush administration official, was chosen to lead North Carolina's public universities in a secretive process, critics say.