supreme court nominee

Both Democrats and Republicans may benefit from the Senate's new status quo.
"This assault on our democracy demands as robust a resistance as we can possibly mount."
Less than a quarter of the public says the Senate should vote against the Supreme Court nominee.
The case for filibustering Neil Gorsuch just got stronger, they argue.
The Supreme Court nominee ducked and dodged like a pro going for the ultimate prize.
Democrats said they are prepared to filibuster Neil Gorsuch because he sides with businesses over people, including a cancer survivor who was fired for trying to avoid the flu at work.
When it comes to the rights of workers trying to stand up to unfair practices, Gorsuch’s record is downright frightening.
"Pocahontas is now the face of your party," he tells Democratic senators at meeting to build support for his Supreme Court nominee.
The Supreme Court nominee should publicly condemn Trump's comments if he's "a truly independent judge," the Senate minority leader writes.
As a Columbia University undergraduate in the 1980s, he complained the school had been taken over by liberals.