
I will never judge you for making bad decisions, but you must learn from them.
Developing resiliency is like riding a bike: difficult to master, but impossible to forget.
In these muddled days of confusion from sleepless nights, you might enjoy hearing how you’re going to fare over the next few years.
Seventy percent of teens don't get enough sleep, but luckily there are things they can do throughout the day to make sleep easier. Bonus: they work for parents, too!
It's recommended that teens get at least eight hours of sleep every night, but 70 percent of them are getting less.
I’ve felt more connected to my neighborhood than ever.
At age 17, Alex Noel was involved in a drowsy driving car accident that left him partially paralyzed for several months. He and his mom open up about the accident and discuss the ways in which young people are prone to exhaustion and drowsy driving accidents.