
Cunningham's family had reported the child missing on Thursday after she failed to return after school to her home in Livingston.
Some of the items the suspect allegedly contaminated include a makeup brush and an antique bottle opener.
Mason Herring pleaded guilty Wednesday to injury to a child and assault of a pregnant person. He had initially been charged with felony assault to induce abortion.
The Lone Star State is trying to seize the power of the national government in pursuit of its own extreme anti-immigrant measures.
A witness told detectives that James Spencer III made comments about police not doing enough to keep "pedophiles" behind bars.
"It’s not about secession," she said a day after claiming the state had the right to secede from the United States.
For the second time, and despite questionable legal authority, Ken Paxton is seeking medical records from providers that are not based in Texas.
The state is restricting the U.S. Border Patrol after the Supreme Court cleared the way for federal agents to cut or remove razor wire at the border.
The party of Lincoln sides with John C. Calhoun in its constitutional showdown over immigration.
"Governor Greg Abbott is using the Texas National Guard to obstruct and create chaos at the border," Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) said of the border standoff.