the guardian

Federal regulator slammed as Massachusetts sues billionaire Sacklers for pushing OxyContin.
The award-winning actor said he considers the "balance" of his family when deciding on accepting the next role.
"I mean he’s so stupid! He’s so ill-informed ... There must be a bigger word for someone who lies about everything.”
"I felt like a warrior, but Daddy said I looked like Pippi Longstocking," the 8-year-old says in The Guardian.
The former porn star used a video game reference to describe Trump's penis and alleged he offered to cheat for her in "The Apprentice."
The 38-year-old philanthropist didn't hold back in her interview with The Guardian.
"The long-term warming trend driven by human activities continued unabated," researchers said.
One of the men has reportedly been suspended, while the other remains in his post.