The Holocaust

Jewish groups have accused Pius of staying silent during the Holocaust. But Catholic officials insist he worked hard behind the scenes to save lives.
As historians have repeatedly noted, the Nazi Party was a far-right fascist group.
The Canadians didn't see as much of a problem in their own country.
The elderly survivors gathered in Berlin, Moscow, Jerusalem, and South Orange, New Jersey, to mark the third night of Hanukkah.
The newly elected congresswoman suggested the senator visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
The senator tried to school the incoming congresswoman after she pointed out the history of asylum seekers in the U.S.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized for Canada's decision to reject refugees on the MS St. Louis — about 250 of whom later died in the Holocaust.
Inside "We Spoke Out: Comics and the Holocaust," a compilation of comics made in the 1950s, '60s and '70s that tackled atrocity years before mainstream media.
“It’s almost like, ‘Here we go again,’” 80-year-old Judah Samet said after narrowly escaping the massacre at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue.