the late late show

"The Late Late Show" host zinged the president after he basically asked the conservative chat program for a more permanent relationship.
The "Late Late Show" host is calling out this conspiracy theory after Trump retweeted it.
"The Late Late Show" host thinks he found a sad sign in the presidential son's Republican National Convention speech.
"The Late Late Show" host brings you a highlight reel of GOP lowlights.
"I just sort of zoned out," Williams said on "The Late Late Show."
"The Late Late Show" host said no one saw this coming.
Corden owes "Thank You Notes" to his fellow late night hosts.
"The Late Late Show" host wants to turn your frownd upside down.
"The Late Late Show" host isn't worried about dry humor.
The 72-year-old comedian was no shtick in the mud for older citizens needing a good laugh.