It was very clear while they were filming that they not only wanted me to portray me as Mama's Little Princess but that they also wanted to make it seem as though Andrew's opinion didn't count.
Cast Of TLC's "Breaking Amish" Talk Beastiality
Chandra Wisnu is a married father of four living in Indonesia afflicted by a terrible and unknown condition that has left his body riddled with hundreds of tumors.
"My Strange Addiction" - 33-year-old Jillian has been addicted to smelling pine cleaner for two years and can’t go more than 15 minutes without a fix. Using up to six bottles a week, she keeps a bottle next to her bed, in her car and even wears a surgical mask doused in pine cleaner for a stronger scent. But her addiction is beginning to take a toll on her asthma. Will warnings from a doctor be enough to convince Jillian to put down the bottle?