Tony Evers

The former Wisconsin governor and other Republicans are fuming over going back to calling the evergreen a holiday tree.
The former Wisconsin governor and other Republicans are livid over the science-themed holiday tree in the state Capitol.
"Make no mistake about it, Trump's administration is no friend to America's dairyland," Democratic Gov. Tony Evers said of the U.S. agriculture secretary.
The flag flap erupted after Democratic Gov. Tony Evers ordered the raising of the flag to recognize June as "Pride Month."
One measure addresses an extremely rare scenario that Gov. Tony Evers says is covered by existing protections.
The ruling stems from an ongoing battle over legislation that GOP lawmakers and Republican Gov. Scott Walker passed during a lame-duck session.
Evers is the third governor this month to reject President Trump's claim of an immigration crisis.
Gov. Tony Evers' proposal would require approval from the state's Republican-controlled Legislature, which has expressed opposition.
The outgoing Republican governor of Wisconsin said he's still considering the bills, but he indicated that he doesn't think they're all that bad.