trade war

"Trump is ruining our markets," said a North Dakota farmer. Another criticized the president's "constant escalation and antagonism."
The program is "not delivering aid" to smaller family farms in "desperate need," says an adviser to Environmental Working Group, which crunched the numbers.
The Fox News host also warned American consumers to get ready to pay for the president's all-out trade war with China.
“Don’t let anyone tell you that we’re paying. We’re not paying," he insisted. Yes we are.
Negotiations are "back on track," Trump tells reporters in Osaka.
Business sector warns Trump that his tariffs are hurting jobs and millions of American consumers.
He gloated China's economy has lost up to $20 trillion in value since his election. If true, that would have wiped China off the economic map.
"Late Show" host mocks the president's claims about his hard-fought agreement with Mexico.
The 5% tax on all Mexican goods was supposed to begin Monday, but Trump reached an agreement with Mexico to reduce illegal immigration.
The "Late Show" host says Trump's GOP allies are flirting with a relationship that could go all the way.