Trump Administration

Public health experts call on the president-elect to strengthen the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and protect workers amid the pandemic.
The administration is undercutting a major public lands law that the president used to greenwash his abysmal conservation record.
After four years of the most anti-woman president in recent history, repealing the global gag rule is just the start for the Biden administration.
A bipartisan group of senators announced plans to try to block Trump’s weapons sales to the United Arab Emirates after HuffPost revealed the effort was in the works.
Several changes to food and disability benefits are included among the dozens of regulations lined up.
The Education Department has been slow to investigate complaints of discrimination related to COVID-19, HuffPost has learned. Employees say it’s part of a pattern of disorganization that has emerged under Trump.
James Anderson, acting undersecretary of defense for policy, submitted his resignation after reportedly clashing with the White House.
The head of the General Services Administration is blocking funds for Joe Biden's team that would facilitate a smoother transition between presidencies.
If the company's impressive data holds up — a big if — here's what that would mean for the coronavirus pandemic.
“We’re not going to control the pandemic.” White House chief of staff Mark Meadows acknowledged that the Trump administration won’t try to stop the coronavirus spread.