United States Secret Service

New figures for Bedminster highlight the taxpayers' growing tab for the president's frequent outings to his own clubs.
Besides the current cases, 23 members of the Secret Service have recovered from COVID-19 while an additional 60 employees are self-quarantining.
The president held a big party, keeps touching people, and now is all set to return to the golf course despite social distancing guidelines.
The ask comes after protesters rushed the stage at a Joe Biden campaign event on Super Tuesday.
The president insisted on returning to Las Vegas each night of his western states swing, rather than overnighting where he was appearing.
The 25-year-old man allegedly told a Secret Service officer that he was there to "assassinate" the president.
The agency walked back a statement that initially claimed the dog -- reportedly a female Belgian Shepherd -- was "unleashed" at the time.
Trump often boasts of donating his White House pay, but taxpayers are shelling out much larger sums for his hobby.
Former special counsel Robert Mueller's report revealed that the ex-press secretary spread misinformation on repeated occasions.
Yujing Zhang was arrested in March for allegedly lying to a Secret Service agent to get into President Donald Trump's private club.