United States Secretary of the Interior

Nine members of the citizen board are reportedly leaving because the Interior secretary has refused meetings and discussions.
Downey Magallanes, a top aide of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, met with senior officials of her father's longtime employer, Peabody Energy, in June.
The revelation raises questions about the use of public funds related to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's activities and travel.
Another member of the Trump administration points the finger at the media after reports shine a light on government spending.
One Democratic senator said a new bill would turn a protected area "into a petroleum reserve" if it passed.
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge should be off limits, they say.
Commercial travel didn't fit his schedule, a spokeswoman said.
Jennifer Detlefsen, a Navy vet, is outraged about Trump's transgender military ban.
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke reportedly did not request any monuments be eliminated. But some could be dramatically reduced in size.