
"How do you criticize someone when you know or suspect that they have a firearm?"
"I do not believe handguns belong on a university campus, so this decision has been the greatest challenge of my presidency to date."
Meet Abigail Fisher, the onetime University of Texas applicant who took her case to the Supreme Court.
They started the hashtag after he argued that black students do better in "slower-track" schools.
The campus was the site of the first mass shooting on an American college campus.
He made the comments during a major case about affirmative action at public universities.
In a contentious hearing, the Supreme Court shows deep divisions on whether race can remain a factor in college admissions.
The author of a law allowing guns in class says proposals to block firearms from classrooms "will not pass."
When students are having outbursts in class and vandalizing their professors' offices, bringing guns into school buildings seems unlikely to help.