
When strangers began stopping me in the grocery store, I realized this State Farm ad was on a whole different level.
A skydiver shocked bystanders after they watched him lose control of his parachute.
Shocked bystanders watched a skydiver crashing after he lost control of his parachute.
The clip is going viral again after Trump claimed he was the "chosen one."
Robb Manes, who filmed the outlandish scene, dubbed it “The Great Mattress Migration of 2019.”
The Rupert Murdoch-owned newspaper's placement of a dancing cockatoo picture was described as a “juxtapositioning masterclass.”
Wow! The stars showed off their spin-kick bottle opening skills in Instagram videos.
Choose your actions wisely as you serve Queen Bey for a day -- or her legal team will terminate your sorry butt.
The fake front page is making waves again following the president's latest announcement about immigration.
A video of police officers pointing guns at a black man kneeling with his hands over his head is going viral.