
Turns out things like Vaseline and Epsom salts can make a big difference — no insoles or toe separators required.
Because we're done wasting time on uncomfy styles that just can't keep up.
I wore these shoes to visit relatives in Iowa during its snowy season and had no difficulty getting around without slipping and sliding everywhere.
You're just 8,200 steps a day away from a healthier life, and it won't cost you a fortune to track your habit.
Even just a short bout of exercise can help improve your physical and mental well-being. Here's what you can expect.
A new study found walking a certain amount of steps led to a lower risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity and more. (Hint: It's not 10,000.)
Fall and winter may limit your daily walks. Here are some expert-approved alternatives that help you get the same benefits.
Interval walking is a great way to achieve your fitness goals faster.
Podiatrists explain why compression socks and stockings can reduce soreness and improve circulation when working out.
A new study underscores just how important it is to spend time in nature or green spaces.