Women In Tech

The online scrapbooking site just brought on a new person to head up its ambitious efforts to hire minorities and women.
The Facebook CEO gave one grandma some spot-on advice. 👍
Maybe 2016 will be bett -- [interrupted by deafening laughter]
Women earn 77 cents for every dollar a guy makes at these new companies.
The 'CodeGirl' director speaks out on women in technology.
"It missed the mark for some and we apologize," the company now says.
There are slightly more women at the top of the tech company.
“You are not alone. There are millions of women and men who are supporting you and want you to succeed."
The company no longer has any African-Americans in engineering leadership positions, the former Twitter employee says.
"We live in a culture that doesn't raise girls with financial literacy," Chris Sacca says.