World War I

President dodges trip to honor U.S. war dead in France due to weather. Critics show how another leader behaved.
"Please don’t celebrate it. It’s an act of remembrance and commemoration."
The American president badmouths the French president on the eve of a commemoration of World War I's end.
This is a very personal issue for me and should be for all Americans.
"It looked like a World War I battlefield," Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown said.
There's been little political will to end mass shootings. But in the five years since Sandy Hook, these surgeons have evangelized a method to save victims' lives.
We have the tools and resources to protect children better, but we have failed to do so.
The Peace Cross memorial "has the primary effect of endorsing religion," a judge ruled.
Mr. Kaepernick has sacrificed by attempting to move us all toward a more perfect union.