
"No employee who works so hard for so little money deserves this," one witness wrote.
Peter Simi, a sociology professor and expert on far-right extremism, explains the factors that compel a person to become a white supremacist.
Inherent to Trump's rise is a vicious "Us. versus Them" mentality that divides along racial and ethnic lines. We must be vigilant and precise in calling it out.
Before Donald, there was Silvio. Accused of racism, xenophobia, sexism and corruption, Italy’s longest-serving Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is eerily similar to President Donald Trump.
Victorians contended with Big Pharma, rehab and the criminalizing of addiction.
Police said the attackers asked Kurdish-Iranian teen Reker Ahmed where he was from before beating him.
But Geert Wilders' anti-Islam party still gained seats, and there are big contests ahead in France and Germany.
The anti-Islam politician has managed to put himself at the center of the Netherlands' politics, even without any real chance of governing.
American xenophobia uses the same dumb script over and over.
The plan “will tear refugee families apart," an expert said.