yellowstone national park

The woman was reportedly taking pictures near the famous Old Faithful geyser and fell into a thermal feature while backing up.
"I’m not an animal person. I barely like dogs," Deion Broxton told HuffPost.
Yellowstone National Park officials said the visitor ventured off a boardwalk in the dark and tripped into a thermal spring near Old Faithful geyser.
A witness who videoed the encounter said the bison became “agitated by all the people and noise” and “just kind of attacked.”
The wild wolf, also known as 926F, died the same way her famous mother did in 2012.
The llama ran off after guides loosened his halter because it irritated the spot of a previously abscessed tooth.
The move comes just days before Idaho and Wyoming were set to allow the hunting of 23 bears.
“I’m sorry to the buffalo. He didn’t deserve what I did to him,” Raymond Reinke told the court.
Harassing a bison isn't just disrespectful to wildlife, it's extremely dangerous.
"It's a hell of a way to be treated after four decades," says park superintendent Dan Wenk.