Taking a Bold Step into the Unknown

I think it is crucial that we feel excited about our lives and inspired by the people around us. We must always be re-generating ourselves in some way to keep things alive and fresh.
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Fourteen years ago I took a courageous step and resigned from my 20-plus year career in the corporate world. I remember the feeling of freedom and then the feeling of fear that crept in as I thought to myself, "What did I just do?" And from there everything seemed to flow as people came forward to assist me in helping me build my business from the ground up. I was incredibly moved by the people that stepped forward to assist me.

Flash backward: For over 30 years I had been totally fascinated by the world of holistic healing and medicine and had studied it on my own. Then I went through some soul searching about my life and my future and decided to follow my heart and focus on an area of holistic healing. That was when I decided to focus on "essential oils" also known as "aromatherapy". I loved all the ways the essences could be used - therapeutic, medicinal, beauty, and addressing all levels of mind, body, spirit.

As soon as I made up my mind, I found a teacher and was an apprentice for six months while I continued to work in the corporate world. What followed was a certification course and then a comprehensive diploma course. As a certified aromatherapist, I started a home based business creating formulas for individual clients. I still have my original recipe book with the person's name for whom the formula was created.

When I left my corporate career, I selected the formulas that were the most frequently requested. The one that remains the most popular is the one that helps people sleep which is one of the first formulas I created. Beyond the products, we love inspiring people to love themselves, age gracefully and experience a whole new way of life.

There are many challenges to being the owner of a small company and there have been times I have been stuck and scared and not sure how to grow my company, times when I questioned my decision to leave the security of my corporate career and times when I really felt like giving up.

I think back on some of my mistakes and some of the unforeseen problems that arose and how they all were a chance to learn and grow. I've learned to seek solutions to problems that arise rather than blame myself or anyone else. This pragmatic approach is easier to manage emotionally.

I've also learned to look objectively at a situation that might not be working and to ask myself "what is missing?" For example, I recently realized I was too isolated and needed to be out meeting people and living in NYC that is very easy to accomplish. As soon as I decided to make this move, all kinds of opportunities presented themselves. I went from little to no networking to being on a worthwhile networking blitz. It is so important to establish a community, especially when you are a solopreneur.

I think it is crucial that we feel excited about our lives and inspired by the people around us. We must always be re-generating ourselves in some way to keep things alive and fresh. A new venture of mine is organizing wellness events to educate people regarding holistically oriented health practices. I feel a renewed sense of purpose and excitement.

May you always take impeccable care of yourself,


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