You Don't Need a Website Before You Start Your Business -- How This Web Designer Made it Happen

A website will give your business value, a chance to communicate with your target audience and showcase your products and services. That's probably the reason why the desire to have a website is almost like second nature for entrepreneurs, especially online entrepreneurs.
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Before you throw stones at me, let me correct any misconceptions.

There's no problem with having a website. You only have a problem if you allow the lack of a website to be the reason why you've not started your business.

A website will give your business value, a chance to communicate with your target audience and showcase your products and services. That's probably the reason why the desire to have a website is almost like second nature for entrepreneurs, especially online entrepreneurs.

Most of us follow the same path when we want to start a business. You begin designing your website, DIYing the whole thing. You spend hours fussing over themes, plugins and colors. Afterwards when you take a step back to look at the beast you created, you throw in the towel in utter frustration.

What's the next option?

You get someone to design your website for you. However, that will cost you thousands of dollars and your business may not be ready to handle that kind of expense now.

So what's next?

You wait. The sad truth is waiting gets you nowhere. No sales. No clients. No business. There's no such thing as perfect time to start. In fact, waiting for everything to be perfect diminishes your chances of opportunities.

What if you didn't need a website to get started?

Cassy Berthiaume is one of those brave individuals who didn't let what she didn't have stop her from starting her business. Instead of sitting around, she went all out with her desire to get started. And guess what? She made it happen.

Photo Credit: Facebook

But I don't have a website yet. Doesn't it need to go live first before I get any clients?

Actually, no. Cassy didn't even have her website up before got she got clients.

What you need to do is:
  1. Be clear about the type of business you want to get into
  2. Get yourself in front of your target audience
  3. Be consistent

Wait! She got clients before her website went live? How?!

"I was super present in Facebook groups, and had my first contract when another web designer noticed me..."

Cassy's consistent participation in Facebook groups got her into limelight. As she continued to show up online sharing the things she learnt, tips and projects she was working on, she got more contracts.

This shows that when you give value to your target audience consistently, people are bound to notice you. Showing some personality and a peak into your life allows your audience to get to know you on a more personal level. You build trust as people grow to enjoy your magnetic presence.

As Cassy shared her life and expertise, she developed her skills in her business and became a whiz on how to be visible on Facebook groups. She kept working on her skills and her business grew and evolved into what it is today.

Now, Cassy is a web designer and online visibility strategist. Her business is centered on helping "fabulous online entrepreneurs who struggle to get their ass out there to finally kick start their business, so they can get paying clients by showing their true colors." Awesome way of giving back to those who were in the same position as she was when she was starting out!

Cassy nurtures her own Facebook Group. In The Fab Entrepreneurs she shares tips you can use to grow your business, help members deal with techie issues and offer loving support.

The journey so far...

Cassy is content with her progress as an entrepreneur. When asked what she would have done differently if she had the chance to do it all over again, Cassy simply said, "Nothing. I'm where I'm supposed to be, and I'm super proud of the journey I've made."

Now that she has a website, has anything changed?

In her words, having her own website is "...the best place for me to show up my work, and it brings me more credibility to my business. I'm asked more often for projects and people book calls with me through it."

From a nobody who had no website, to a full-breed online entrepreneur who leveraged on the power of Facebook to grow her business, Cassy has a lot going for her.

As a word of advice to all you wantrepreneurs (entrepreneur wannabes) out there, Cassy leaves you with this, "Stop printing all free resources out there and invest where it matters. It might [not] be a website, but it might be a coach or business course. Do it. You won't regret it."

If you want to leverage on the power of Facebook Groups, just like Cassy, here's a list of Facebook Group dos and don'ts to guide you through the process.

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