
There's this photo that's been circulating online which shows Asian men holding up a sign that reads, "YELLOW PERIL SUPPORTS BLACK POWER." The photo was taken in 1969 during a rally in Oakland supporting Huey Newton.
We live in a sex-obsessed culture—a straight sex-obsessed culture, that is. Without many examples of LGBT sex, many newly out queer people struggle with insecurities about their bedroom performance. Our panel of gay sexperts—and novices—weighs in.
Rick Clemons joins HuffPost Live and talks with Ahmed about why he was originally afraid of gay sex.
Many objected when Secretary of State John Kerry referred to Latin America as "the backyard" of the United States last April. While his statement may have been intended as an innocuous comment on geography, the implications of his words represent an all too common attitude about our Southerly neighbors.
One thing that left me feeling queasy after the movie was Ken Jeong's character, Mr. Chow. I hated the generic Engrish accent. And the character's queeny affectation left me cold, coming across more prissy than funny.