
"We as queer and trans Latinx people need to see what happened in Orlando as a reminder that our human dignity, our lives, are connected."
"I cannot allow that kind of bigotry to go into the record unchallenged."
Online dating casts a light on deeper, darker symptoms of bigotry and misogyny -- and serves as yet another microcosm of trans exclusion.
The renowned university says HB 2 is causing prospective students and professors to avoid its campus.
Performer Barry Humphries also called Jenner a “publicity-seeking ratbag."
Trans, genderqueer and intersex people have been giving birth for as long as women-identified people have and we have also encountered oppression.
I was stunned when I visited a transgender support site that had reposted my article. Hundreds of trans people were leaving comments attacking transvestites, cross dressers, drag queens and other fringe members of the trans community simply because they don't want to be associated with them.