William Barr

Democrats "want him to be the nominee because he is the weakest of the Republican candidates,” said Donald Trump's former attorney general.
The former attorney general said it would be a "particularly bad idea" for Trump to testify at a trial.
And the Justice Department "probably" has what it needs to "legitimately indict" him, says the former attorney general in the Trump administration.
The former attorney general compared the executive positions held by three of Trump's middle-aged kids to how some parents buy their children cars.
The former attorney general had the perfect comeback to a weak insult from his old boss.
A Trump-appointed judge is in the spotlight after granting the ex-president's request for a third party to review classified documents seized at Mar-a-Lago.
The former attorney general also said it was "wrong" for a federal judge to grant a special master to review the classified documents Trump had in his home.
"A RINO for him is anyone who disagrees with him that the election was stolen," the former attorney general said.
The former attorney general couldn’t “think of a legitimate reason” why Trump should have had possession of the classified documents recovered by the FBI.
It's premature to reach a conclusion about the ex-president's trove of government documents stashed at Mar-a-Lago, his former U.S. attorney general said.