William Barr

The memo supports then-Attorney General William Barr's conclusion that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted in special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe.
Barr told CBS News that recent subpoenas of high-ranking Trump officials suggest prosecutors are focusing on "the group at the top."
Testimony from the hearings is prompting many of Trump's supporters to simply reassert their views that the former president was correct in his false claim of victory.
"I do not have regrets over fighting to defend our democracy,” said Sen. Ted Cruz, who objected to the 2020 election results.
Twitter wits wonder which Marx brother the former U.S. attorney general is supposed to be.
The former U.S. attorney general said then-President Donald Trump never showed "interest in what the actual facts were" when Joe Biden defeated him.
Donald Trump's attorney general “tentatively agreed to give sworn testimony behind closed doors,” according to sources cited by CNN.
All you need is the courage to get impeached, and your poll numbers go up, according to the twice-impeached former president.
“I said, ‘Look, get impeached. I went up a lot in the polls when I got impeached. You have to get impeached, maybe,’” the former president told Sean Hannity.
Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department hasn’t found any evidence of mass voter fraud.