fossil fuel

Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris each ran on axing subsidies, but the party said including that in the final draft of the platform was an "error."
Oil-fired power plants want to build new gas replacements just as a fresh slate of anti-fossil fuel legislators heads to Albany.
Critics say there's a quid pro quo at work when oil giants, utilities and their banks donate to secretive foundations that support police.
The legislation aims to cut off oil, gas and coal companies reaping billions from federal COVID-19 relief and annual subsidies.
The presumptive Democratic nominee cribbed from Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Jay Inslee, drawing stark contrasts with President Trump.
The Federal Reserve's bond-buying program is yet another way the government props up an industry that experts say is in decline.
A bill intended to have a chilling effect threatens seven years in prison for protesters and up to $100,000 in fines for groups supporting them.
As chaos grips the nation, the agency is changing water permitting rules to make it harder for states to block construction of fossil fuel pipelines.
The legislation could inflict harsh new punishments on Black protesters opposing a massive complex of plastics plants on what are likely slave burial grounds.
In March, Kentucky, South Dakota and West Virginia passed laws restricting pipeline protests. Alabama is poised to become the fourth.