fossil fuel

The 12-member energy panel includes eight fossil fuel executives who have donated $4.2 million to Republican candidates and PACs since June 2016.
Lawmakers in the capital of capital are considering backing the campaign targeting banks, asset managers and insurers.
Amid a global pandemic, members of Congress look to throw a lifeline to the industry that bankrolled their campaigns.
The delayed COVID-19 response was met with swift condemnation. But outrage about the decades-long delay on climate change continues to be waved away as alarmism.
Proponents hope the simple stickers will make consumers question their own use of fossil fuels.
The proposal sets a goal of protecting 30% of U.S. lands and waters by 2030 and calls for banning new fossil fuel leases on the federal estate.
The former GOP mayor of New York City pitched rejoining the Paris Agreement and repeated a debunked claim that he's to thank for closing coal plants.
The international tobacco treaty bars corporate influence at its negotiations. So why aren't the largest carbon emitters banned from climate conferences?
He has said big money isn't corrupting. Yet he's pledged to refuse donations from fossil fuel executives and corporate PACs.