Food Waste

Researchers have outlined a way to make more sustainable fuel from waste like cooking oil, food scraps, manure and sewage. But not everyone is convinced.
Carol Shattuck and Jennifer Guhl on the importance of helping the 40 million Americans who suffer from hunger.
From soup and juice to salsa and mayo, turning food waste into new edible products is a growing industry.
Save some money and avoid food waste with these simple tips.
Here are four steps in the right direction.
It may sound counterintuitive, but here's why it works.
You were going to throw them out anyway — so why not fry them up?
Globally, we waste 42 million tons of edible grain used for beer-brewing annually. Here's how we can "tap" into spent grain upcycling to curb climate change.
Your food waste footprint is bigger than you think. Here's how to minimize your climate impact. (And, no, composting is not the answer.)
USDA’s bailout program for farmers sends abundant meat, vegetables and fruits to feed low-income Americans.